Comics and Art

Worst flu ever

I was planning to write a weekly blog covering a few topics here and there. Then I was kinda run over by the flu. I am still not over it. It came with high fever, chills, extreme exhaustion, post nasal drop. Then there was a brief period when it seemed like I was getting better only for it to hit my entire sinus section and throat. Fever comes and goes but it apparently also causes viral tonsillitis. So now I have a wonderfully annoying cough, no voice and if I forget to take the Ibrophen immediately? I get to feel like I’m swallowing glass.

And just in time for all of that? The US government gets a hostile take-over from a trust fund bro that no one elected. My dislike of Elon Musk isn’t a secret. He is uniquely one of the absolute worst human beings to exist. He innately craves attention and adoration, but he is unwilling to support others in doing well. He wants the credit. If he can’t get it, then he attacks whomever is better at something than he is. (example: When the kids were trapped in a cave and Elon Musk couldn’t save them so he called the divers who did so pedo’s to save face? Not only was he willing to attempt to defame them, he was completely over the top).

Elon Musk has never created anything in his life. Everything that he has boils down to being born a trust fund brat. He came to the US on a student VISA, then broke the law because he never attended school. He “started a company” instead. That company was built on the work of other people who created databases. Musk and his brother bought some of that then cobbled together a product by merging two other people’s work. Musk and his brother were required by law to LEAVE when they chose not to attend school. They were not legally allowed to start a company on a student VISA. They were rich though, so they didn’t think rules applied to them and no one enforced them against the two. Elon Musk went on to invest wisely, for a while before going on ketamine induced nutjobbery and losing himself. Somewhere around the time he got hairplugs (gender affirming surgery) to give him hair since he was losing it.

Let’s look into his upbringing shall we? His grandfather wrote his own version of Mein Kampf and went to South Africa to make a “White state” possible. How much more Nazi explicit do you have to get? He did a Nazi salute twice, once to the front and once to the back.. He is loudly supporting the new German Nazi party? People thinking he’s not a Nazi? You’re lying to yourself.

Why does it matter? Here you have an illegal US alien, who thinks rules don’t apply to him taking over the US government. He and his group of lackeys have gained access to the treasury. 2 of them are just out of High School, so we can be pretty certain NONE of them know how to program in COBOL and have no idea how the systems that run government work. Paul Krugman explained the risks for that far better than I can, so if you read this please go check out his substack on the subject. Why it matters? This Nazi wants world domination and is willing to interfere on a global scale. He’s not a “billionaire”, he’s a trust fund bro and it’s high time we stop pretending he’s someone to look up to. He’s a rich brat who grew up thinking he “deserved” our adulation and he internalized that “he’s special”. The rest of us are “peons” to be “crushed” if we aren’t sufficiently awed by him.

I’m going to be creating a post to describe what a “Trust Fund Bro” is. How to recognize one, and why you shouldn’t bother to give them money, attention, or power.

People like Musk et all shouldn’t be in charge of anything, they should lose their damn trust funds so they can finally understand what it’s like to be the rest of us and the sooner that happens the better.